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Camp Anglewood - Elkins Park Pennsylvania

Our Summer Camp Program

Our regular summer camp program runs for nine weeks, usually from the late June through mid August. Your child can look forward to a full summer of fun activities here plus all the opportunities to make new friends at our Elkins Park, PA camp.  Campers usually attend the full nine weeks, but partial season attendance, on a per week basis, is also possible. Extended hours are also available. 
Contact us learn more about these options and more camp details: 267-939-4455

Camp Overview

  • Camp Groups Include up to 12 Campers (Less for younger Groups).
  • Camper Groups are Organized into the Lower, Middle, and Upper Camps.
  • The Full Regular Season is 9 Weeks.
  • Partial Season Options Available.
  • Camp Day 9:00 AM to 3:45 PM.
  • Drop-Off Time Begins 8:15 AM.
  • Pick-up Until 4:15 PM.
  • Extended Hours options available (7:30 AM drop off; 5:30 PM pick up)
  • Wednesday Bar-B-Ques.
  • Tuition includes Camp T-Shirts, Group & Individual Photos, Lunch Drink, Team Prizes, and Special Events.
  • Instructional Swim Program.
  • Sports Activities include Basketball, Soccer, Archery, Dodge Ball, Baseball, Ping Pong, and more.
  • Boating & Fishing
  • Capture-the-Flag
  • Dam Building
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Nature Walks
Give us a call to learn more about these options and more camp details: 267-939-4455

Traditional Approach

Remember how great summer camp was when you were a kid? Camp Anglewood takes a traditional approach to the summer camping experience, starting with an instructional swim program and mixing in classic camp activities with various sports. 

We organize our camp activities with a very experienced staff of mostly teachers so that every day is unique. Then add special events like bar-b-ques, talent shows and educational visits by animal experts, sports teams and others. You can see that this summer will be filled with fun camp activities and events your child won't want to miss! Finally, place all this fun in a truly Pocono-like mountain setting and you begin to see the Anglewood experience.

Our campers go home every day tired and full of stories about their camp day.

Group Sizes & Ages

Camp Anglewood is organized into four sections: Lower, Middle, Upper Middle and Upper Camps. Each "camp" usually includes 4 separate groups or bunks. The lower camp includes children from pre-kindergarten to first grade. The middle and upper middle camps includes second graders through fourth & fifth graders. Fifth graders through sixth & seventh graders dominate the Upper Camp.

This allows activities tailored to campers of similar age, athletic ability, and social environment. Total enrollment is approximately 275 to 300 campers. Group sizes range from 7 to 10 per group in the Lower Camp up to 12 to 16 per group in the Upper Camp.

Each camp group is led by a counselor. Groups in the Lower and Middle Camps are assigned junior counselors to assist. For most activities two groups go through the daily schedule together. There are special activity coordinators for Arts & Crafts, Nature, Boating, and Fishing activities.

Instructional Swimming Program

Our modern 60 x 50 ft pool accommodates several swim groups of different skill levels each period. Instruction is given for beginning, intermediate, and advanced swimmers. Campers are evaluated at the beginning of camp and throughout the season to insure that they are placed into the appropriate skill group. 

All lessons follow American Red Cross standards and teaching programs are administered by certified lifeguards. Towels are provided. 

The Pool is supervised by 3 to 4 lifeguards in addition to the group counselors. Camp Anglewood tries to maintain a staff to camper ratio as high as possible.


Camp Anglewood provides lunch drinks for all campers. Brown bag lunches from home are the norm. Wednesdays involve hotdogs and hamburgers from home cooked on the camp grills during our Bar-B-Que lunch. 

Food allergies and special diet needs are closely monitored.

Free Period

The last period of the day is usually "Free Period". Middle and Upper Campers are allowed to go to whichever activity is designated "open". Boating & fishing, the pool, and the lower court are popular choices. Lower Camp campers can go to which ever activity their counselors monitor; often chosen by the campers' popular demand. Free Period is also the time to attend one of the weekly tournaments.

End of Day & Pickup

After Free Period, everyone gathers around the lake again for afternoon "Flag" and the close of the official day with the playing of "taps". Everyone then moves to the upper court for announcements. Prizes, or snacks are given out on special days. After moving to their assigned gates, campers are picked up by parents between 3:30 and 4:15 PM. Extended hours campers can stay at camp until 5:30 PM before being picked up by their parents.

Additional Information

Call Camp Director Joyce Hill (267-939-4455) to learn more about Camp Anglewood! Call or email us for additional information and to schedule tours of the Camp.
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