Our Summer Camp Program

Our regular summer camp program runs for nine weeks, usually from the late June through mid August. Your child can look forward to a full summer of fun activities here plus all the opportunities to make new friends at our Elkins Park, PA camp. Campers usually attend the full nine weeks, but partial season attendance, on a per week basis, is also possible. Extended hours are also available.
Contact us learn more about these options and more camp details: 267-939-4455
Traditional Approach
Remember how great summer camp was when you were a kid? Camp Anglewood takes a traditional approach to the summer camping experience, starting with an instructional swim program and mixing in classic camp activities with various sports.
We organize our camp activities with a very experienced staff of mostly teachers so that every day is unique. Then add special events like bar-b-ques, talent shows and educational visits by animal experts, sports teams and others. You can see that this summer will be filled with fun camp activities and events your child won't want to miss! Finally, place all this fun in a truly Pocono-like mountain setting and you begin to see the Anglewood experience.
Our campers go home every day tired and full of stories about their camp day.